
Academy 2112 B-50D SUPER FORTRESS

Масштаб: 1:72
Виробник: Academy
Код товару: aca2112
Наявність на поточний момент: немає в наявності
Востаннє був в наявності: 10.11.2011
1279.75 грн або 20100 б.

Включає 0% ПДВ
при відправці до країни: Україна
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Основна інформація

Код товаруaca2112
Вага0.82 kg
Розмір58,4 x 40,6cm
ФарбуванняBlack, Interior Green, Tan, Metallic Grey, Yellow, Burnt Metal, Grey, Aluminum, Red, Blue, Orange, Light Grey, Silver, White, Gun Metal
Додано до каталогу:30.10.2004
Academy 11 Sandan-ro 98beon-gil 11781 YONGHYEON-DONG Південна Корея
Відповідальна особаNETMARKET SP Z O O Czereśniowa 140/4 02-456 Warszawa Польща
Boeing in 1944 proposed a new revised version, designated 345-2, based on the B-29A, and temporarily the B-29D in the USAAF. Increasing the power seemed to be the basic parameter that could provide an increase in the load capacity of the bombs. So, four Pratt & whitney R-43600-45 radial engines were selected for propulsion, each of which had a power of 3500HP. The engines were installed in new nacelles. It was also necessary to modify the airframe. The weight of the wing was reduced, the undercarriage was strengthened while reducing the weight, and to ensure better longitudinal stability after the power increase by almost 60%, the vertical tail area was increased. With the latter modification, the fin folding was also introduced - if not for this maneuver, the plane would not be able to be placed in a standard hangar. The USAAF initially ordered 200 machines of the new type, but after the end of the war in the Pacific, they reduced the order to 60. Major changes to the structure and powerplant resulted in the resignation from the B-29 designation in favor of the new B-50. The first production B-50A made its inaugural flight on June 25, 1947. A total of 79 B-50As were produced, 57 of which were later converted to flying tankers. It was in this role that they served over Vietnam until the late 1960s, when they were finally withdrawn. The B-50D was the most widely produced version of the plane, in as many as 222 copies. The most characteristic features of the variant were the possibility of mounting two additional fuel tanks under the wings, from the example No. 16 the possibility of refueling in the air and a slightly different nose part with glazing made of a one-piece element made of a material called Perspex. Technical data: Maximum speed: 634 km / h, climb speed: 11 m / s, operating ceiling 11247 m, operational range: 3853 km, armament: fixed - 13 Browning M2 12.7 mm machine guns, suspended - up to 12700 kg of bombs.
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Основна інформація

Academy 11 Sandan-ro 98beon-gil 11781 YONGHYEON-DONG Південна Корея
Відповідальна особаNETMARKET SP Z O O Czereśniowa 140/4 02-456 Warszawa Польща

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Додано до каталогу: 30.10.2004
Наявність на поточний момент: немає в наявності
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Можливі доповнення

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