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The BMW R 100 is a German motorcycle that was presented to the public for the first time in 1976. Its production took place with breaks in the years 1976-1996. The motorcycle was powered by a single, two-cylinder 600cc to 980cc boxer engine. In total, tens of thousands of copies of this vehicle were produced.
The R 100 was developed to replace BMW's / 6 range. The main change compared to the predecessor concerned changes to the power unit, i.e. the BMW 247 engine. The motorcycle's frame was also significantly changed and the braking system was improved. In the early 1980s, production was stopped because BMW wanted to compete with Japanese motorcycle manufacturers on other models. However, this decision was met with numerous protests, which led to the resumption of series production in 1985, with the engines in the new production series being modernized and their maximum power slightly increased. In the course of the entire series production, several versions of this motorcycle were created (including the versions: S, RS, RT or T), which differed from each other mainly in the engine displacement and its maximum power.
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