Включає 0% ПДВпри відправці до країни: УкраїнаДля того щоб змінити країну, натисніть тут
The Crimean War, fought in 1853-1856, is an armed conflict between Russia and Turkey, and later also France and Great Britain. The main cause of the conflict was the desire of Tsar Nicholas I of Russia of the Romanov dynasty to acquire territorial acquisitions at the expense of Turkey - primarily the capture of the Black Sea Straits. Throughout the war, the British army recruited around 108,000 soldiers and officers, of which as many as 40,000 were wounded or killed or died as a result of diseases. The British cavalry at the beginning of this conflict consisted of the Cavalry Division (commander: General Lord Lucan) divided into the Heavy (General Scarlett) and the Light Brigade (General Lord Cardigan). Each brigade consisted of five regiments and in total was able to put up to 1,000 people to fight. The Light Brigade consisted of: the 4th and 13th Regiment of Light Dragoons, the 17th Regiment of Lancers and the 8th and 11th Regiment of Hussars. The basic unit in the Troop regiment consisted of 62 soldiers. A squadron was created in Crimea from two such sub-divisions. From a tactical point of view, the British hussar regiments were seen in the Crimean War as fully fit for fighting in the open field. It is worth adding that the basic weapons of the British hussars were a saber and a cavalry rifle.
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