Основна інформація
Код товару | ita6429 |
Вага | 0.40 kg |
Масштаб | 1:35 |
Розмір | 24,1 cm |
Додано до каталогу: | 30.10.2004 |
Теги: | DUKW |
Виробник | Italeri Italeri S.p.A Via Pradazzo, 6/B l-40012 Calderara di Reno (Bologna) Італія |
Відповідальна особа | Italeri S.p.A Via Pradazzo, 6/B l-40012 Calderara di Reno (Bologna) Італія |
DUKW is an American amphibious vehicle used on a large scale during World War II. DUKW was powered by a 6-cylinder carburettor engine with a capacity of 90 HP, it had all-wheel drive, and it moved in the water thanks to a single propeller located at the rear of the vehicle. The first copies were made at the General Motor Company in 1942, and by the end of the war, more than 21,000 were produced. The DUKW was a universal vehicle, with high speed on the road as well as good seaworthiness. Interestingly, it was one of the first to allow the driver to adjust the tire pressure, which made it suitable for both dirt roads and sandy beaches. The Allies used DUKW in all theaters of war and built various weapons on it: from Browning machine guns, through 105mm M2 howitzers, to unguided missiles. The last copies were withdrawn from service only in the 70s. Technical data: length: 9.45m, width: 2.44m, height: 2.69m, weight 6500kg, engine power: 90KM, speed: 80km / h on the road, 10km / h in the water.
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Основна інформація
Продюсер | Italeri Italeri S.p.A Via Pradazzo, 6/B l-40012 Calderara di Reno (Bologna) Італія |
Відповідальна особа | Italeri S.p.A Via Pradazzo, 6/B l-40012 Calderara di Reno (Bologna) Італія |
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