Основна інформація
Код товару | aca2183 |
Вага | 0.37 kg |
Ean: | 603550021831 |
Масштаб | 1:48 |
Розмір | 23,5 x 23,5cm |
Фарбування | Silver, Gun Metal, Flat Black, Aircraft Gray White, Black, Red, Yellow, Flat Red, Flat Yellow, Interior Green, Khaki, Red Brown, Khaki Green, Dark Gray, Clear Red, Clear Blue, Clear Orange, Flat Flesh, Olive Drab |
Додано до каталогу: | 30.10.2004 |
Теги: | North-American-F-86-Sabre |
Виробник | Academy Academy 11 Sandan-ro 98beon-gil 11781 YONGHYEON-DONG Південна Корея |
Відповідальна особа | NETMARKET SP Z O O Czere¶niowa 140/4 02-456 Warszawa Польща |
The North American F-86 Saber is an American single-seat turbojet fighter aircraft that was considered a worthy opponent of the Mig 15 during the Korean War. The flight of the F-86 prototype, which was powered by the Chevrolet J35-C-3 engine, took place in October 1947. The plane entered the line in 1949. The F-86 was the first mass-produced fighter capable of exceeding the speed of sound. The North American F-86 Saber was the U.S. primary fighter during the Korean War that was able to compete and successfully fight the Mig-15. It is estimated that the ratio of combat losses of both these machines is 2: 1 in favor of the American machine. The F-86 also took part in other conflicts: in the Indo-Pakistani war in 1965 and in the Bangladeshi War of Independence in 1971. A dozen or so versions of the F-86 were created, which differed from each other in the built-up engine, weapons and tasks performed. Three versions are the most popular. F-86A, the first serial version, fulfilling the role of a fighter, 554 copies were produced. Another is the F-86D, with a new General Electric J47-GE-17 engine, a characteristically elongated bow part and a new horizontal tail. In total, 2504 units of this version were created. Finally, the F-86F version, with the new General Electric J47-GE-27 engine and reinforced wings. 2239 units of this version were produced. The F-86 was also produced under the license of min. in Australia and Canada. In total, 9,812 pieces of this successful aircraft were built. Technical data (F-86F version): Maximum speed: 1,106 km / h, climb speed: 45.7 m / s, maximum altitude 15,100 m, maximum range: 2,454 km, armament: fixed - 6 M2 Browning 12 machine guns 7mm sling - up to 2400 kg of bombs and rockets.
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Основна інформація
Продюсер | Academy Academy 11 Sandan-ro 98beon-gil 11781 YONGHYEON-DONG Південна Корея |
Відповідальна особа | NETMARKET SP Z O O Czere¶niowa 140/4 02-456 Warszawa Польща |
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