

Масштаб: 1:72
Виробник: Dragon
Код товару: dra7213
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Код товаруdra7213
Вага0.15 kg
Додано до каталогу:30.10.2004
Dragon Models Ltd. Industrial Building Castle Peak Rd. B1-10/F. 603-609 Hongkong Китай
Відповідальна особаHobby Pro Marketing Ges. m.b.H Am Leonardbach 7 A-8010 Graz Австрія

The M1 Abrams is a modern 3rd generation American Main Battle Tank. The first prototypes of the vehicle were created in the 1970s, and serial production started in 1979 continues to this day. To date (2018), about 10500 tanks of this type have been produced. The M1 Abrams is powered by a turbo-shaft (turbine) engine Avco Lycoming AGT-1500C 1500 hp. The vehicle is armed with a 105mm M68A1 tank gun in the M1 version, and a 120mm M256 tank gun in the M1A1 and later versions. The additional armament is 1 12.7 mm machine gun and 2 7.62 mm M240 machine guns.

The M1 Abrams was created in response to the demand for a new Main Battle Tank announced by US Army already in the 60s of the twentieth century. The new vehicle was to replace the Patton family tanks (M47-M48-M60) in the US Army. Initially, cooperation with German companies was initiated in the project designated as MBT-70. However, after a few years, the cooperation was terminated and further work was focused only on American companies, especially in the Chrysler Defense concern. Despite a very long process of analytical, study and experimental work lasting almost 15 years, it was introduced to the line in the early 1980s M1 Abrams It turned out to be an almost revolutionary structure and far superior to the then Soviet ones. M1 Abrams It is primarily characterized by unprecedented - before 1979 - in tanks of this class, mobility and maneuverability, thanks to the use of a powerful 1500 HP engine. Another thing is that the choice of the turbine engine turned out to be not very successful because it requires very careful maintenance and is prone to catching fire. M1 Abrams it also has very good armor, using composites and SKO (fire control system). In the M1A1 version, it was also armed with a great 120mm gun. Several versions of the tank were created in the course of serial production M1 Abrams. The first significant improvements were made to the M1A1 version, the production of which was launched in 1985 - mainly by using a much more effective 120 caliber cannon instead of the 105mm gun. In 1992, the M1A2 version entered the line, with much richer electronic equipment than previous versions and armor using depleted uranium. Then came the M1A2 SEP version with even more perfect armor. The last development versions of the Abrams tank are the M1A2 SEPv2 and M1A2 SEPv3 versions, which have advanced information exchange, battlefield control, fire control systems and improved secondary weapon control systems. The M1 Abrams tank was exported to several countries, including: Saudi Arabia, Australia, Egypt and Kuwait. Vehicles of this type took part in several operations, the most important of which were the Gulf War in 1990-1991 and the Iraq War in 2003.

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Основна інформація

Dragon Models Ltd. Industrial Building Castle Peak Rd. B1-10/F. 603-609 Hongkong Китай
Відповідальна особаHobby Pro Marketing Ges. m.b.H Am Leonardbach 7 A-8010 Graz Австрія

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Додано до каталогу: 30.10.2004
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