Основна інформація
Код товару | aca12455 |
Вага | 0.19 kg |
Ean: | 603550016547 |
Масштаб | 1:72 |
Додано до каталогу: | 30.10.2004 |
Теги: | MiG-27 |
Виробник | Academy Academy 11 Sandan-ro 98beon-gil 11781 YONGHYEON-DONG Південна Корея |
Відповідальна особа | NETMARKET SP Z O O Czere¶niowa 140/4 02-456 Warszawa Польща |
Mikojan-Guriewicz MIG-27 (NATO: Flogger) is nothing more than a developed version of the MIG-23 aircraft, having the nature of an assault machine. Successively developed variants of that aircraft gradually differed more and more from the original design, and finally the designation of the MIG-23BK model was replaced with a new one - MIG-27K. In addition to the K specification, three other MIG variants were produced 27: the M version, which is in fact a simplified K version, the D version - i.e. older machines rebuilt to the M standard, and the L version - produced under license in India, called there Bahadur, i.e. the Brave. A total of just over 1000 MIGs 27 were produced. The power unit was the Khachaturov R-29B-300 engine. Technical data: length: 17.2 m, wingspan (maximum): 13.97 m, height: 4.82 m, maximum speed: 1.6 Ma, climb speed: 200 m / s, maximum range: 2500 km, practical ceiling: 15 500 m, armament: fixed - one GSz-6-30 six-barrel 30mm cannon, suspended - up to 4000 kg of cargo.
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Основна інформація
Продюсер | Academy Academy 11 Sandan-ro 98beon-gil 11781 YONGHYEON-DONG Південна Корея |
Відповідальна особа | NETMARKET SP Z O O Czere¶niowa 140/4 02-456 Warszawa Польща |
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