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Odin is the name of one of the German 540mm Karl self-propelled mortars from World War II. The initial velocity of the Karl anti-concrete mortar shell was up to approx. 380 m / s, with a maximum range of approx. 10,000 meters. Karl self-propelled mortars were produced in the years 1940-1941, a total of 7 pieces of this weapon were made, along with a prototype.
Design work on the Karl type self-propelled mortars started in 1936 at the Rheinmetall AG plants, and the first prototype was ready shortly thereafter - already in 1937. The weapon was placed on a self-propelled tracked chassis initially powered by a carburetor engine and later by a 580 HP diesel engine. Taking into account the combat weight of the weapon exceeding 120 tons, the engine accelerated only to 8-10 km / h. The main task of the new weapon was to destroy fortified enemy resistance points - especially the fortifications of the Maginot Line. However, the first mortars of this type entered service only in November 1940 - after the German victory over France. Odin, on the other hand, was handed over to the German army in April 1941. It was used in combat during Operation Barbarossa, and especially during the siege of Sevastopol (1941-1942).
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