Включає 0% ПДВпри відправці до країни: УкраїнаДля того щоб змінити країну, натисніть тут
This set contains the four colors that were used for applying the camouflage patterns known as the Caunter Scheme. These patterns were composed of BSC No.28 Silver Grey, BSC No.34 Slate and either BSC No.61 Light Stone or BSC No.64 Portland Stone colors, and were applied to the vehicles used by the British Army in North Africa and Middle East from July 1940 until late 1941. All four necessary colors are included in this set. Our Real Colors are the highest quality acrylic lacquer paints, made from an improved chemical formula over other brands in the market. They spray smoothly through an airbrush; adhere to the surface and dry perfectly with a soft matt finish. These paints hold firmly all kind of weathering products. They may be diluted with AK-Interactive's specific thinner, or thinners from other manufacturers intended for acrylic lacquer paints (non-vinyl), lacquer thinners, alcohol, or water. They may also be easily mixed with other acrylic lacquer paints. Real Colors accurately reproduce the original colors.
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